Pet Owner Worksheet for Preparing Visit with Accredited Veterinarian to Complete Health Certificate

Please note that preparing for travel to some countries can take several months.

Complete this worksheet BEFORE meeting with the USDA Accredited Veterinarian who needs this information to complete your international health certificate.

Enter name 
Enter email address
Enter Country you are traveling to
Who is accompanying your pet while traveling?
Select an option 
Enter address(s) and phone number(s) where you will be staying 
How is your pet leaving the United States?
Select an option 
Enter connecting Country/Countries your pet will land at before reaching their Destination
Enter the date your pet is leaving USA and from where

Provide the date that you and your pet arrive in the destination country.

Enter the date you arrive in the destination country
Enter the date your pet arrives in the destination country
Enter number of pet's traveling
Enter age of pet(s) at date of travel
What type of pet will be traveling?
Select an option 
Does your pet have a microchip?
Select an option 
Enter the date your pet(s) microchip implant took place
When was your pet’s last rabies vaccination?
Select an option 
Enter date of vaccination
Does your destination country require an import permit?
Select an option
Did your airline or cruise ship give you any additional travel requirements for your pet?
Select an option