Why is it important to deworm my dog?

It's important to deworm your dog because if your dog does have parasites, it can lead to a whole slew of health problems such as diarrhea, weight loss, and overall malnutrition. The parasites live in the gut and feed off the food that the dog ingests, which can lead to a poorer quality of life.

Dr. Mark Caldwell

What are some of the parasites found in dogs, and how are they treated?

There are several different parasites found in dogs, including roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, tapeworms, giardia, and coccidia. These are the most common ones we see. Each parasite requires its own specific medication for treatment.

How do intestinal parasites impact the health and well-being of my dog?

Intestinal parasites feed off the food that the dog eats, so not all of the nutrition from the food goes to the dog's body. This helps to feed the parasites, and the body doesn't get the nutrition it needs. Some parasites cause damage to the intestinal lining, leading to diarrhea and protein abnormalities. It's always important to get rid of them if they are present.

What are some signs and symptoms of intestinal parasites in my dog?

The signs can vary dramatically. Sometimes there are no signs at all. Pets may come in, and after a routine fecal sample, we find a parasite unknown to the owner. With certain worm burdens or large worm burdens, you might see weight loss, a rougher hair coat, or a pot belly. These can all be classic signs.

Would I be able to see worms in my dog's stool?

It depends. Sometimes you can see them, but if you consider the worm's lifestyle, the worm does not want to pass through the stool. They want to live in the guts and actively pass eggs through the stool to transmit more parasites. The eggs are usually microscopic and not visible without a magnifying glass or microscope.

How will a veterinarian diagnose intestinal parasites in my dog?

The best way to diagnose them is by collecting a fecal sample and submitting it to the lab to check for eggs in the stool. Some parasites, like tapeworms, have smaller parts that can be seen with a little magnification, but using a microscope at the lab is the easiest and most effective way to diagnose parasites.

Why is early detection and diagnosis of intestinal parasites in dogs so important?

Early diagnosis is crucial because parasites feed off the body and cause damage to the intestinal lining. Treating it earlier or preventing it altogether leads to a healthier and better quality of life for the animal.

What is the difference between natural remedies or over-the-counter dewormers compared to prescription medications?

Prescription medications are the best option because they are designed to specifically treat the parasite. Over-the-counter medications have mixed reviews and results. When dealing with a parasitic infection, relying on these is not advisable, especially when there are medications that are known to work effectively for the pet.

How do I choose the right dewormer for my dog?

The right dewormer is based on the diagnosis of the parasite. Once the parasite is identified, we can determine the necessary medication to treat it.

How is my dog tested for worms?

Your dog is going to be tested for worms by collecting a fecal sample. We collect that fecal sample and send it off to the lab. Once we get the results back, they're going to be checking for eggs in the stool as well as what's called an antigen test, which is an exposure test. Depending on the results from what we see from the antigen test and what they physically see in the stool sample, we'll have a diagnosis for if your dog has parasites.

What are the treatments for dog deworming?

Dr. Mark Caldwell

What medication is used for deworming in dogs?

Well, there are actually multiple different medications that we use for deworming in dogs, and it really just depends on the parasite that we have. There's not one parasitic medication that treats everything, so we really want to diagnose the specific parasite that we have so we can treat with the specific medication.

Can I deworm my dog at home?

Well, you can deworm your dog at home, but once again, we really want to make sure that we have the right medication for the right parasite.

How often should my dog be dewormed?

Well, that really just depends. If you have parasites, we want to treat them as often as they get it. However, if you don't have parasites, then there's no reason to treat. Regardless of if an animal is showing any signs of parasites or not, we always recommend an annual fecal check just to make sure they don't have anything. Certain parasites don't show clinical signs, and it's more often than not we'll actually diagnose parasites on a routine fecal check when the owner had no idea that their animal had parasites. So, doing that annual check is really important. Now, if you notice that your animal is having diarrhea or if you've spoken with your veterinarian, it's always going to be recommended that you do a fecal check to check for parasites at that time.

What happens when my dog is dewormed?

When your dog's dewormed, what we're trying to do is actively kill the parasite. Depending on the parasite that we see and that we're treating, ideally what's going to happen is that the parasite is going to die, and they're going to pass that parasite through their stool. So after they're dewormed, you may actually see the passing of the parasite in the stool.

If you still have other questions and you'd like to reach out to us, you can call us directly at (480) 233-7276, or you can email us at [email protected]. But please do reach out, and we'll get back to you as fast as we can. Don't forget to follow us on social media Facebook, Instagram