Services 2

Helping Your Four-Legged Friends Be in the Best of Health

We use our extensive industry-specific skills and knowledge to effectively provide high-quality medicine and treatments for your cats and dogs. Wherever you are in the Greater Phoenix Area, our professionals at Phoenix Mobile Veterinarians will deliver the veterinary care your pets need.

Comprehensive Wellness And Physical Exam

We understand how animals age more quickly than people. This means diseases and other ailments show up faster, too. Your companion’s health and well-being are our priority, which is why we recommend that every pet undergo physical examinations twice a year. Each test includes:

  • Eye Exam
  • Ear Exam
  • Oral Exam
  • Teeth and Gingiva Evaluation
  • Lymph Node Exam
  • Heart Exam
  • Lung Exam
  • Muscular Exam
  • Skeletal Exam
  • Reproductive Organ Exam
  • Neurological Evaluation
  • Abdominal Palpation
  • Rectal Exam
  • Nutritional Consultation



At Phoenix Mobile Veterinarians, we believe that preventative care is one of the most important aspects of maintaining good health. There are a variety of diseases that can affect your pet, so a proper vaccination schedule is vital in protecting against the many illnesses they can be exposed to daily. Vaccines start in puppies and kittens as early as six to eight weeks of age and continue throughout their lifetime.

Our veterinarians offer core vaccinations, along with “lifestyle” vaccines based on your environment and activities. We are happy to discuss and create a personalized vaccination program best suited for maintaining the health of your pet.

Parasite Prevention

Heartworms, fleas, ticks, and intestinal parasites can have severe effects on your pet’s quality of life. They can even cause life-threatening health issues. Common external parasites in Arizona include ticks and fleas, while internal parasites that are commonly diagnosed with a routine fecal sample include giardia, coccidia, roundworms, and tapeworms.

Only a fecal test can determine if your little one has an internal parasite, which is why we recommend once-a-year testing. Meanwhile, external parasites can show up anytime, which is why year-round prevention is critical for your pet’s health and well-being.

Heartworm Disease Prevention

Mosquitos spread heartworm disease and every year in Arizona, we are seeing a greater mosquito burden. Annual heartworm tests after six months of age are recommended for preventative screening. The only way to protect your pet from heartworm disease is to have them on year-round prevention.


We offer different options of prevention for all parasites. Our team is very happy to discuss the best regimen based on your pet’s risk factors and health status. It is important to discuss with us yearly which pest control products are ideal for your household based on the everyday lifestyle of you and your pet.


At Phoenix Mobile Veterinarians, we recommend that every pet get microchipped as this is the most reliable way to reunite lost pets with their families. The procedure not only gives pet owners peace of mind, but it is safe, easy, and inexpensive. Studies have estimated that at least 8,000 dogs, cats, and other animals are returned to their homes every day by microchip identification.

Placing the microchip is like giving any other injection. The microchip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, is placed under the skin between the shoulder blades. When a scanner is waved over the microchip, it relays a unique code that is registered to your contact information. This allows the facility that found your fur baby to get in contact with you and reunite you with your pet.

Lab And Pharmacy


Blood screens, urinalysis, and fecal tests allow us as veterinarians to maintain a watchful eye on your pet’s health. Annual bloodwork can diagnose a disease before it becomes untreatable. We also offer screening tests for common illnesses unique to Arizona, such as valley fever and tick fever. We also have multiple lab panels to help you maintain and monitor your pet’s health throughout their lifetime.

Our full-service pharmacy will provide you with medications needed to treat diagnosed conditions. We are also pleased to offer a large working online pharmacy where you can shop in the convenience of your home and have all your pet’s prescriptions sent directly to you.


Allergies in Arizona are common, whether they be seasonal or year-round. There are many different signs and symptoms to look for in a pet that suffers from allergies, such as scratching, licking, shaking of the head, raised lesions, generalized flakiness or hair loss, and rubbing of ears or muzzle.

Take the first step in allergy treatment by calling us to have a routine wellness exam performed. After completing a physical exam, we can discuss environmental allergies, food allergies, and the testing options available to determine what your pet is allergic to. With the proper diagnosis, we can implement a long-term treatment plan to help relieve your pet’s symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Diet And Nutrition

Maintaining a healthy body weight is very important to a pet’s overall health. Obesity is a common problem among pets, and the number one cause of obesity is overfeeding. Being overweight can cause serious problems for your pet as they age, including diabetes, digestive disease, hip problems, joint issues, and an inability to properly groom.

Good nutrition helps provide your pet with a safer, longer, and happier life. A healthy diet and good nutrition can reduce or even eliminate problems, such as itching and scratching, a dull coat, and arthritis, as well as intestinal disorders and allergies.

Diet changes may be recommended if your pet develops chronic conditions that could be improved or controlled with a prescription diet. We are here to help you make the right dietary and exercise changes, along with discussing skin and joint supplements that may be beneficial for your pet so they can stay on track to living a long, happy, and healthy life.

Wound Repair


We can’t always predict how playtime will end, but we promise to be there for you when mishaps happen. Our doctors are here for you when your pet needs their wounds cleaned, their stitches placed, and their bandages applied. With our full-service pharmacy, we will be able to prescribe the medications to get your pet feeling back to its rambunctious self. You can be sure that we will be by your side until your pet’s wound heals.

Hospice Care

Old age and illness can present many different challenges for pet parents. You may be concerned about whether your pet is aching. Worry no more! We are here to provide a complete physical exam on your pet and determine the proper long-term treatment to ensure your pet is living the best quality of life possible. We are passionate about making sure your pet remains comfortable and pain-free while avoiding treatments and medications that could have negative effects.

In-Home Euthanasia

At Phoenix Mobile Veterinarians, we understand euthanasia is one of the most difficult decisions a pet parent will make. We believe many factors go into deciding when to euthanize an animal. We will be by your side to assist you and explain all your options during this difficult time.

With in-home euthanasia, you and your pet will be in the comfort of a familiar environment, which allows for a peaceful transition for your beloved pet. We provide sedation before the procedure so your pet will be resting, and you can take comfort in knowing it was a calm and pain-free transition.



We acknowledge that options surrounding the end of a pet’s life are never easy. We are here to make the process less difficult and provide the service you desire for your pet. We can discuss the options available and help you decide if an individual or communal cremation is best for you.

Individual cremation services are the way to honor and memorialize the life of your pet. With individual cremation, you will receive a cedar urn with the option to have your pet’s name engraved and a clay paw print. Through these, you will remember their loving touch.

Health Certificates

As federally accredited veterinarians, we can issue travel certificates for your healthy pet so they can travel with you. A health certificate is a federal document that indicates your pet is healthy and will not pose any health risks to other pets or people during your travels. At Phoenix Mobile Veterinarians, we provide health certificates for domestic and international travel.

Animal health requirements may differ from state to state or country to country. Please have all the needed information ready for us to assist you in completing your request promptly. It will be your responsibility to check with the airlines, states, and countries you will be traveling to about their requirements.

Please keep in mind that some locations require time-sensitive services. It will be your responsibility to know when you need services performed and have these scheduled in advance. We highly recommend checking or the government website of the country you are traveling to at least six months in advance.

Let’s Discuss Your Pet’s Health Needs

health needs

At Phoenix Mobile Veterinarians, we are passionate about taking care of your four-legged friends. We are very willing to help them overcome any health issue. Get in touch with us for more information about our services and for you to schedule an appointment.

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